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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Six week digest

...digest--get it?  heehee

First of all, if you don't follow me on Twitter yet (@TryingVeggie) take a sec and do that. This way, you won't be left hanging again. But I'll happily report to non-Twitterers that I did not break at the OC Foodie Fest--phew. I've been Trying Veggie for six weeks and counting.

There's still a bit of fretting about what's for dinner and I find I run out to grab ingredients more often then I used to--but it all does feel a bit more comfortable. A few of our favs have been fajitas, veggie lasagna, slow cooker pinto beans, homemade meat(less)balls... and I've yet to make the same exact thing twice.

Overall, my husband and I (and I think my little one) are all very glad we're sticking out this challenge. We feel healthier for it, seem to have more energy than we used to and have even dropped a few pounds. It's also led me to be as healthy as I can be in other ways. I've learned about GMO corn and soy and realize the importance of non-GMO produce. Also, a few weeks ago I found out...

"If a non-organic product contains a soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, or texturized vegetable protein, you can be pretty sure it was made using soy beans that were made with hexane (...a decidedly un-green petroleum byproduct of gasoline refining)"

And here I was, Trying Veggie to be healthier! So this means a lot less reliance on sources I've written about before: Gardein, Trader Joe's meat-less varieties, Morningstar patties... anything that's not organic. Read more from CBS here.
Luckily, I learned that hemp seed is a very good source of protein and I'm using that to make sure we get enough of what our bodies need. They sell the hulled seeds in health food stores or online. They're soft and nutty and sneak well into everything (cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, meat(less)balls, veggie burgers, pizza... you get the idea). Read more about this great protein here and here.
Lastly, and I still can't believe this one, but I stopped drinking coffee. I was such a coffee fiend that I still find this shocking to write. It's only been about a week, but I find I enjoy the sustained energy level vs. the up and down peaks and valleys I felt when drinking my daily lattes. Plus, I'm drinking healthy green tea and water instead of sipping one large latte all day long.
All these little things are adding up and encouraging me further. In addition, I've met vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists who inspire me and push me to wonder... what's next!?

1 comment:

  1. Funny about the coffee. Over the past year and a half I have increased my coffee intake, all for the hope of more energy. What I've definately gotten , though, is more fat. hee hee. Anyway know what I HATE about coffee ? You can probably guess.... Bad breath. Coffee breath is soooo unacceptable to me ! - Judy
